The work of Derek Michael Brennan

Artist + Designer from Arizona, USA

Higher Education

Graphic Design and Layout of Various Spreads for ASU Herberger Institute Annual Magazine 2018
Fashion magazine spread with young woman on runway

Magazine spread with article text, pull quote, and 3 photos of fashion students in classrooms

Magazine spread with custom type treatment in the style of architecture plans, with article text

Magazine Promo Image

Line Animation for ASU Herberger Institute Season Video 2017

Product Design for ASU Orchard 2021+

Learning Asset Database
Adaptive Learning Experience Builder
Adaptive Learning Experience
Product Design for New ASU Admissions Application 2023+
UX Design for Micro-Credentialing Platform Concept 2020

UX Design and Visual Design for Online Magazine 2018-2019

UX Design for 3-University Alliance Website 2019

UX Design for Ecom Site for Professional Development Courses 2021

UX Design for Portal for Online Courses, 2020-2022

Snapchat Community Geofilter for ASU Herberger Institute 2017
iPhone with Snapchat opened, young woman taking selfie with community geofilter applied

Illustration of James Turrel for ASU, 2018
illustration of face of older man

Graphic Design, ASU Herberger Institute Disrupt Magazine, 2018
Magazine Promo Image

Illustration for ASU School of Film, Dance and Theatre MainStage Season 2015
Illustration of female superhero in mask

Illustration of Dancer, Theatre Actor, and Film Maker with MainStage Type

Graphic Design of Various Digital Wallpaper Sets for ASU Herberger Institute 2015-2019
Various devices with ASU Herberger Institute wallpaper

Wallpaper with 'Dreamers and Doers' written in the clouds